The Case Details page lists information about an existing case, including any filings submitted to the court by you or your connections.
See Working in Non-public Cases for details on how non-public cases display on the Case Details page.
To access the Case Details page, do one of the following:
Perform a search. Locate your case in the search results and click the View icon.
Access the History page, locate your filing, click the Filing Name, and then click the Case Number on the Properties tab.
the Bundle Assembly
page and select the Case Number.
Access your organization (via Organization under Main Pages in the navigation pane) and select a case listed as an organization case. This option is available only if an Organization Administrator has added you as an organization user.
The page is comprised of these sections:
Case specifics such as Court, Case Number, and Case Title
You can file to the case, view the Register of Actions, and/or identify the case as a Favorite.
Select courts allow you to download a case file from within TrueFiling. See Request the Case File for details.
Some courts allow you to make additional payments toward a case. See Submit an Additional Payment for a Case for details.
If a court is configured for party management, you can add a case party and add counsel to a case.
If the case is not available for eFiling, this message is displayed…
Case not available for eFiling. No Filing Types available.
… and the File to this Case button is not available.
If appropriately configured, a court can delete a case from TrueFiling. In such courts, if a case has been deleted, you cannot locate it through a case search, access its Case Details page, or file against it.
Case Contacts Section
A court may be configured to use case contacts, which is someone associated with a case - a party on the case, an attorney for parties and their associates, or other interested participant. Case contacts are listed in the Case Contacts section.
You can select a case contact to be served filing documents you submit to the court. You can add yourself, a connection, or other counsel (if allowed by the court) as a case contact.
A court may further be configured to classify case contacts as either Verified or Standard. A contact’s classification determines if and how they can see other case contacts throughout TrueFiling, as well as if they are visible to other contacts and can be selected for servicing. A court can also classify case contacts but place no restrictions on the information displayed. See Verified and Standard Case Contacts for details on how courts can configure case contacts.
You can also view a list of the contacts added to the case and who added them. See View Participant Activity.
Counsel and Case Parties Sections
Instead of case contacts, a court may be configured to use case participants such as case party, counsel, or judge.
A court can configure which case participant / party types are displayed on the Case Details page. As a result, not all party types may be shown.
Party management requires a filer to submit a form to the court to request a new counsel or party be added to a case. The form is submitted in the same way filing documents are submitted to the court. The request to add counsel / party is reviewed by the court and is subsequently accepted or rejected. If rejected, the requested person is not added to the case.
If accepted, the requested person is thereafter associated with the case.
You can Add Counsel to a Case or Add a Case Party.
If the current user has already been added by the court to a case as a party / counsel, the user may have the option to associate themselves with the party / counsel by clicking the I am this Person button.
Once selected, the user is prompted to verify they are the individual specified before submitting a request to the court for approval. The dialog is configurable but will resemble.
The user must access any links configured in the dialog. Such links may include the End User License Agreement (EULA).
Further, the user must confirm their identity by selecting the confirmation checkbox. The Submit button will not be displayed or enabled until this checkbox is selected.
Click Submit
on the Associate Party dialog to submit the confirmation request to the
court. This confirmation
dialog is displayed (click to view). Click Close
to close the dialog.
The request to associate the party / counsel is reviewed by the court and is subsequently accepted or rejected.
If rejected, the filer is notified via email, and the requested person is not added to the case. If accepted, the user is thereafter associated with the selected participant on the case.
Filings Section
Filings submitted by yourself, members of your connection network, and by you on behalf of a TrueFiling organization are listed.
In some court systems, a connection must explicitly grant you permission to view their filing history. If a connection has not granted this permission, you will not see that connection's submitted filings.
Click the Filing Name to expand the pane. You can view the filing's status with the court and if the filing documents have been served and accessed.
You can also download documents related to a filing such as a Proof of Service, stamped copy, or payment receipt. See Download Documents Related to your Filing Bundle for details.
Request the Case File
If allowed by the court, you can request the case file and download the documents through the Register of Actions section on the Case Details page. In such instances, the Case Details page will not display the View Register of Actions button.
If you are not a Verified case contact, the court may not allow you to have access to the Register of Actions. See Verified and Standard Case Contacts for details on court configured limits for accessing and requesting case filings.