Returned Filing Documents

The court may be configured to return a document to the filer through TrueFiling so further actions can be performed.

For example, if one filing document in a submitted bundle is corrupted and unreadable, instead of rejecting the entire bundle, the clerk may return that filing document so the filer can replace it with an uncorrupted version.

The clerk may return a filing document so a:

The clerk may also return a filing document through TrueFiling and provide the opportunity for the filer to execute one of multiple actions. For example, if a filing document was submitted with a fee waiver request, and the waiver was denied, the clerk can return the filing document with the option for the filer to pay the fee (instead of getting it waived) or uploading a document that would allow the fee waiver to be approved (such as proof of indigence).

If the clerk returns a filing document that requires more than one action be executed, separate Returned line items will be listed on the Status Updates tab, and each action would be required.

Returned Filing Documents on the History Page

A Returned filing document is listed on the History page beneath:

In some court systems, a connection must grant you permission to view their filing history. If a connection has not granted you this permission, that connection's filing bundles are not listed.

If you originally submitted the Returned document (that is, you are the Submitter), the document's entry on the History page is highlighted in yellow.

Further, within Filing View, the Status Updates tab is highlighted as well. It is on this tab where the returned filing document action is indicated, and the required action is executed by selecting the transaction action button. The Returned line item within the Status Updates tab is also highlighted.

Only the Submitter can see the transaction action button(s), and only the Submitter can execute the action.

To illustrate:

History page - Status Updates tab

The clerk may include comments to inform the filer of the required action - for example, to pay a fee.

The TrueFiling user must configure their notification settings to include returned filing documents if they want to receive a notification (email or text) that a filing document's been returned.

Action Expiration

The court applies an expiration date to each required action. If the action is not performed by that date, the action button becomes disabled.

Note that the clerk may subsequently apply a new expiration date. As such, the updated Returned filing will once again be highlighted on the History page to indicate an action is required. Further, if your notification settings are appropriately configured, you'll receive a notification of the Returned filing.

Learn more

Add a document

Replace a document

Pay a fee

Returned filings - multiple action options