Serve the Filing Documents

If you want to serve your filing documents to parties involved in your case, you must select the Serve Document checkbox on the Bundle Assembly page.


You must specify the service recipients to whom your filing documents will be served and, in some courts, how that service will be performed.

Courts that use case contacts

You can add contacts (attorneys, interested parties) to the case. These case contacts can subsequently be selected to receive your filing documents. If the court you're filing in uses case contacts, the Case Details page for cases in that court will contain a Case Contacts section. See Serve Case Contacts for details on specifying service recipients.


Courts that use party management

If the court you're filing in uses party management, the Case Details page contains a Counsel section and a Case Parties section. Persons listed in these sections are court approved participants on the case. The court will configure which participants are displayed in TrueFiling and can be selected as service recipients. See Serve Case Participants for details.