Preview the Proof of Service

This information applies to courts that use party management.

If you selected the Serve documents option on the Bundle Assembly page, as you prepare your filing bundle, you'll select the people who will receive (be served) the filing documents you submit to the court. See Serve Case Participants for details on selecting the recipients.

Once you submit your filing bundle to the court, your filing documents will be electronically served via email to those persons you chose for service. All recipients that were e-Served are listed in the email.

The email message will contain a link to download the served filing document.


TrueFiling will generate a Proof of Service, which is a document that serves as proof your filing documents were e-Served to the recipients you specified. The Proof of Service will list all participants that were served, whether electronically, in person, by mail, or, when enabled by the court, via a courtesy copy.

When preparing your filing bundle, after you've uploaded your filing documents and selected your service recipients, you can preview the Proof of Service before you submit your bundle to the court.

Select Recipients pane

  1. On the Bundle Assembly page, in the Select Recipients section, click the Preview Proof of Service button.

If a courtesy copy recipient is added, and no email addresses are associated with any other parties on the case, this error message is displayed when you click the Preview Proof of Service button.

The Proof of Service that TrueFiling will submit to the court is displayed in a dialog. It will resemble:

Proof of Service dialog

  1. Review and verify the document is correct.
  2. Click Close to close the dialog.