Edit a Payment Account

Only the TrueFiling user that created a payment account can edit it.

  1. Click Settings in the navigation pane.

  2. On the Settings page, expand the Payment Accounts pane.

  3. Locate the account to edit and click the >. The pane expands to list the account details.

Payment Account pane expanded

  1. Click Edit.

Edit Payment Account dialog

  1. Click Change to modify the account. Note the Card Nickname and Share payment option can be edited without selecting the Change option.

Depending on the payment processor (see Payment Processors to learn more) associated with the payment account, the Edit dialog may present as...

Edit Payment Account dialog

... or as:

Edit Payment Account dialog

  1. Make any required changes.

If you select to share this account, you are responsible for any charges made on this account by members of your connection network.

  1. Click Save.